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FAQ's - Requests for Information

May contain: person, human, office, and indoors

What does the word CONS mean on my statement?

CONS is short for consumption. PCJWSA measures consumption in cubic feet. If you’d like to know the gallons just multiply the CONS by 7.48.




How do I shut off my water to make a repair? 

If you do not have a personal shutoff valve which we highly recommend, call the office during normal business hours and we will come shut off the water.  

What if I am going on vacation? 

If a customer is going to be gone for a period of time and would like their water turned off they have a few options.

PCJWSA will turn off your water as a courtesy until you return.

You also have the option of an Indefinite Lock Off.  An Indefinite Lock Off requires a 30-day notice and a $200.00 fee plus the current balance. This will turn off your water and stop your billing until you return.  

Please call the office if you have any questions or would like a copy of the Indefinite Lock Off form to fill out. 



PCJWSA staff will make every reasonable attempt to provide you with the information you have requested in a timely manner, but staff work load may delay your request. Information provided is billable at the following rates (ORS 192.311 to 192.338). Note that some records are exempt from public disclosure (ORS 192.338):

Photocopies per page:  $0.10

Labor per hour:  $35 – $50 Hour*

Other: at cost

*Labor costs represent researching records, compilation, summarizing, tailoring to meet request, etc. Fees are billed based on the employee fulfilling the request